The Benefits of a Guardianship for Disabled Adult Children.
/When your disabled child turns 18, a guardianship provides many advantages, benefits and protections,
When a disabled child becomes an adult, their parents can no longer make decisions for them relative to health, finances or education. A guardianship over a disabled adult child allows a parent to continue to assist an adult child in the same way they always have without interruption. The parent guardian of a disabled adult child can apply for Social Security Income (SSI) benefits as well as Medicaid benefits for that child. Guardianships over disabled adult children can be for a limited purpose and/or on a temporary basis. A disabled adult child can continue to hold many rights such as the right to vote, the right to marry, and the right to obtain a driver’s license. The rights maintained by the disabled adult child usually depend upon the degree of incapacity that the child experiences.
Consult with an experienced attorney to understand the benefits and security that a guardianship can usually provide for the adult child and the entire family.