Bicycle Riders - Avoid Personal Injury

Bicycle rental companies now allow you to slide your credit card, take a bike out of the rack, and then deposit it at another rack near your destination.  Another rental consumer can jump on this same bike at the point where you left it without worrying about paying for a taxi or driving his own car in the city.  Tourists wishing to make use of this system should employ caution.  Even though scooters and bicycles are more prevalent in the cities, few city streets provide a suitable environment for bicycle riding.  If you do choose to ride a bicycle in the city, make sure to wear bright, attention-getting clothing.  Be conspicuous to distracted car drivers.  Stick to the bike lanes where provided.  In many states, bicyclists are charged with an obligation to abide by the “rules of the road” just like folks driving automobiles.

They have to stop at stop signs and red lights; use arm signals for turning; and yield the right-of-way to other vehicles along the roadway.  Regardless of the legalities, a bicyclist, in terms of power and size, is never an even match against a car or a truck in an accident.

In Boston, a large percent of bike accidents[1] occur when taxi drivers or unsuspecting motorists open doors onto bicyclists; be extra cautious when approaching parked cars that still have their headlights or brake lights on.  There may be people inside the vehicle who are oblivious to your presence and will slam the door on your front tire as you are riding by. 

Large trucks have blind spots; keep a healthy distance between yourself and a truck.   Never ride at a near parallel with the truck’s mirrors.  Stay well behind that “dead zone” where the truck driver can’t see you.

The majority of bicycle accidents in Boston occur when the automobile driver/truck driver fails to notice the cyclist or, as stated above, opens a door on them. To avoid becoming a statistic, wear flashy clothing and practice defensive, cautious riding.

While Normand & Associates is in the business of assisting individuals to receive fair compensation for injuries that they sustain, it is always better for these individuals to take the appropriate steps for avoiding injury in the first place.  Be very careful riding bicycles in the city.  Be conspicuous and defensive in your interactions with motor vehicles.